NASA satellite tracks methane emissions from garbage sites.


NASA satellite tracks methane emissions from garbage sites.

Data from a NASA satellite will be use by the nonprofit group Carbon Mapper to pinpoint the landfills that produce the most methane. NASA satellite tracks methane emissions from garbage sites.

The Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) and other.  NASA research tools will be use in a global hunt to identify the potent greenhouse gas.

 Methane has a warming potential over the first 20 years after it enters the atmosphere that is more than 80 times larger than that of carbon dioxide, although eventually evaporating at a far quicker rate. However, cutting emissions might have a far faster impact than reducing carbon dioxide.

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The objective of the new program is to provide a baseline assessment of global waste . Initiatives to reduce atmospheric gas concentrations and slow down climate change can benefit from this understanding. Riley Duren, CEO of Carbon Mapper, says that in order to successfully mitigate them .  Tit is critical to have a complete understanding of waste site high-emission point sources.

Researchers will also employ aircraft-based sensors and the Global Airborne Observatory at Arizona State University .

In October, researchers demonstrated that EMIT can discriminate between “super-emitters” and methane plumes. In Central Asia, the Middle East, and South Western America, it discovered more than 50 “super-emitters.”

Super-emitters, often found in the fossil fuel, waste management, or agricultural industries, are structures, pieces of equipment, or other infrastructure that leak methane at high rates.

Infrared light from methane absorbs in a recognizable pattern known as a spectral fingerprint, which EMIT’s imaging spectrometer can precisely and accurately detect. 

After the first year of the initiative, researchers will conduct a comprehensive analysis of more than 10,000 landfills globally using two satellites in the Carbon Mapper satellite program.

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