Users are not allowed to post links to Mastodon on Twitter.

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Users are not allow to post links to Mastodon on Twitter.

A number of connections to Mastodon, a social media rival, are no longer permitte to  share by Twitter users. Users are not allowed to post links to Mastodon on Twitter.

Mastodon is divid into servers, or groups, according to a range of themes, including the UK, snooker, and security. Twitter has blocked links to some of the main servers that users would join, including the most popular “social” channel.

There is clearly no proof to back up the notion that Mastodon contains malware, or harmful software that can damage your system.

According to the social media platform, hundreds of thousands of new users joined Mastodon in November as some Twitter users looked for alternatives. We are unable to access more than 10 different servers, including the most popular one and ones for journalists and UK citizens.

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Although not all links to Mastodon have been remove, there are workarounds. The  technology editor, Zoe Kleinman, was able to tweet a reference to her Mastodon account, despite the fact that it is not a clickable link.

The reference cannot be post afterwards as a direct link to her Mastodon profile.

How many Mastodon servers Twitter has block is unknown?

Users who attempt to submit links to forbidden servers will be present with an error message that reads: “We can’t finish this request because this link has been report by Twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful.”

As a result, the EU has threatened Mr. Musk with sanctions and state that adherence to the EU’s Digital Services Act necessitates respect for media freedom. “Elon Musk should be aware of that. There are lines in red. shortly, sanctions “she was tweet.

A Twitter representative told technology news website The Verge that the journalists’ suspension was due to the live sharing of location data. Mr. Musk comply with instructions after threatening to file charges against the owner of a Twitter account that monitore his private jet.

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