Twitter asserts  reworking the feature.

How much conflict does Twitter 2

Twitter asserts  reworking the feature.

Twitter removes safety measures and suicide prevention initiatives in order to safeguard users. Now Twitter asserts  reworking the feature.

According to two people with knowledge of the issue, the removal of a feature that suggested suicide prevention hotlines and other safety services to users looking for particular information during the past few days was ordered by Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter Inc.


“We expect to get them back up next week,” she said.

The removal of the “There Is Help” feature was a recent development that was not previously disclosed. At the top of specialized searches in several nations, it included links to support groups for mental health, HIV, vaccines, child sexual exploitation, COVID-19, gender-based violence, natural disasters, and free expression.

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Concerns regarding the security of Twitter’s most vulnerable users have increased since its removal. Musk has asserted that fewer people are seeing offensive content since he took over in October, despite the fact that researchers and civil rights organizations have noted an increase in tweets containing racial slurs and other offensive language. Musk has also tweeted graphs showing a downward trend. 

Due in part to pressure from consumer safety organizations, internet companies like Twitter, Google, and Facebook have been working for years to direct users to well-known resource providers like the government.

In her email, Twitter’s Irwin stated that “Google does really well with these in their search results” and that “(we) are actually emulating parts of their strategy with the tweaks we are making.”

We are aware that these prompts are useful in a variety of circumstances, so we want to make sure they are functioning properly and remain up-to-date.

Eirliani Abdul Rahman, a participant in a recently dissolved Twitter content advisory council, described the removal of the hashtag as “extremely unsettling and terribly painful.”


According to AIDS United, a webpage that the Twitter feature linked to, it averaged about 70 visits per day up until December 18. 

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Executive director of Southeast Asia Freedom of Expression Network Damar Juniarto, a Twitter partner, tweeted about the missing feature on Friday and called social media’s actions “stupid.”

 The individuals who were informed of Musk’s decision to order the feature’s removal declined to be named due to fear of retaliation. 

Corporate postings claim that roughly five years ago, Twitter introduced several prompts, some of which were available in more than 30 countries. In one of its blog posts about the feature, Twitter said it had a responsibility to make sure users could “contact and seek support on our service when they need it most.”

Alex Goldenberg:

According to Alex Goldenberg, the lead intelligence analyst at the nonprofit Network Contagion Research Institute, prompts that had appeared in search results just a few days earlier had vanished by Thursday.

According to Goldenberg, it would be quite dangerous if this choice implied that the administration no longer took these issues seriously. It goes against Musk’s earlier claims that he would prioritize children’s safety.

Musk has expressed his desire to stop child sex abuse content on Twitter and questioned how the previous ownership handled the situation. He has, however, cut back significantly on the teams in charge of processing potentially objectionable material.

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