Instagram: the exact location is never disclosed.

According to Instagram, the exact location is never disclosed.


Now  according to Instagram, the exact location is never disclosed. Viral reports that location tags on content can reveal users’ precise locations are untrue, according to Instagram.

According to viral posts and videos, a “precise location” toggle in the app location settings on iOS and Android devices is reported to be able to disclose a user’s precise location to other Instagram users. Some widely shared posts claim that an Instagram or iOS upgrade is to blame for this. Instagram, however, said that this was untrue and that the function did not divulge users’ locations.

 The term “precise position”

Users of iPhone and iOS devices were first made aware of the setting in 2020’s yearly iOS 14 operating system update from Apple. In 2021, Google released it for Android 12. It provides users with the ability to offer some apps a more precise location.

Although it is now consider a contentious feature by some. When it was originally introduce it was hail as a solution to enhance user privacy on mobile devices because it offered a substitute .

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When users provide an app permission to access their location, the setting is automatically turn on .  When enabled in an app’s location settings, this permission allows them to use GPS to pinpoint a precise position for specific purposes, like travel or gathering background and private user data.

Each app has a different way of using it.

For instance, Snapchat uses it for Snap Map, which allows users to share their position with other users provided they have granted the app permission or are not in secret “ghost mode.” Uber may use this to identify your location when you book a ride.

How does Instagram operate?

Some of the trending posts claimed that people can now find your precise position if you share it in posts or stories on Instagram or iOS. Additionally, they stated that even if users posted a city’s broad location, viewers would still be able to see your precise location as a pin on a map.

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They continued by saying that crooks are using this feature to target people online, particularly influencers.  Instagram posted an explanation regarding how it utilizes the option but did not react to BBC News’ request for comment on the claims.

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To be clear, we don’t disclose your location to others, “said InstagramComms, the company’s PR department.”  For instance, when attempting to add a geotag to an Instagram story or post, users with exact location enabled will see possibilities for areas closer to them. Instagram’s CEO, Adam Mosseri, quoted the company’s reaction and reiterated that location services are a phone setting and not a recent Instagram addition. We don’t disclose your whereabouts to anyone else, “he continued.”

 Source: bbc

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